Article Genie has many great features, one of which is its ability to rewrite a draft in just a few minutes! This article will illustrate how you can achieve this effortlessly!
There are two ways of rewriting an article with Article Genie:
Using the ‘Regenerate Article‘ button
Creating a draft from another article’s answers
Using the ‘Regenerate Article’ button
Whether you’re starting from scratch or already have a pre-written draft, Article Genie enables you to refresh your content with just a click!
Once you’ve input your content into Article Genie, you can edit your draft. This phase of the user journey allows you to edit the content as well as incorporate images and links.
Here, you will have access to the Regenerate Article button. With the click of this button, Article Genie will utilize the provided information to generate a new version of the draft.
Creating a Draft From Another Article’s Answers
To create an article draft using Article Genie, users must answer seven questions. These questions are key to the article’s essence.
Every time an article is created by answering these questions, Article Genie automatically saves the responses for further use.
Let’s say you used Article Genie to write an article about topic X. You answered all the questions to obtain your draft. Now, you want to create another article about topic X, but you want to do so from a different angle.
Instead of answering all the questions again, use the ‘Rewrite Previous Article‘ button, and Article Genie will do it for you! Keep reading to learn how.
1. Click on the New Article button.
2. Article Genie will ask you if you have a pre-written article draft. Select NO.
3. You will be asked if your subject is a Person or a Business. Select your answer accordingly.
4. Select the Rewrite Previous Article button.
5. Choose the article you want to rewrite.
6. Browse through your saved answers. Change the answers if needed.
Tip: Modify the answers to questions 3 and 4 for a different angle or article focus.
7. Upload a 1200×600 pixels JPG or PNG file as your main photo.
8. Click on the Write your article button to begin the content generation process.
9. Once your draft is generated, make edits as needed.
We hope this helps you keep your content fresh while maintaining its essence. Have fun drafting your articles!